Loose Ends Hockey Association
August 30, 2011 Meeting

1. Changes to the active rosters that were agreed on:
-- Bruins were one player short.
-- Bruins add Dave O'Neil
-- Dark Knights subtract Arynn Chan, Willie Chan, Thomas Wolski
-- Dark Knights add Peter Spencer, Roland Deschamp, Francis Lavallee
-- Dark Knights, until further notice, captain will be Alan Shabsove (present)
-- Flames, no change.
-- Habs subtract John Denouden
-- Habs add Scott Gillis
-- Hawks subtract Roger Buckley, Jim Henry, Tom Maloney
-- Hawks add Billy Keyes Jr., Gavin Ring, Rocco Scauzillo
-- Hawks captain will be Mike Walker (not present)
-- Hogs subtract John Gilbert, Phil Reynolds
-- Hogs add Joe Kim, Jamie Allen
-- Leafs subtract John Denium
-- Leafs add Andy Campbell
-- Titans subtract Brian German, Gerard March, Fred Roberts
-- Titans add Tim Hibrant, Gary Folka, Simon Bates
-- Titans captain will be Steve Ozimec (present)
2. The Habs will change their team sweaters and are now the Canucks.
3. League Fees will be $400 per player.
The cheques received in the spring will be deposited Wednesday September 7
4. All players must be paid in full by game time October 7.
A team can lose a game by default if a team member who has not paid plays
5. The Treasurer proposed a budget and the tentative league budget that has been accepted is as follows:
Opening Balance = 5,792.74  
2011-2012 Season
Player Fees (8 x 15 x $400) = 48,000.00  
Ice Time = 34,910.22  
Referees = 8,700.00  
TimeKeeper = 1,885.00  
Insurance = 1,200.00  
Golf Tournament = 300.00  
Awards Night = 2,500.00  
Web Site (new location) = 300.00  
Misc unknown --  
Total Costs = 49,795.22  
Balance After 2011-2012 Season = 3,997.52  
Some costs will be subject to minor change.
6. The schedule has been accepted as proposed.
The President will ask to make sure we’re okay for the midnight game starts Sept. 16 and March 30, 2012.
7. At the December meeting the Secretary will present a list of options for our ice time requests for the 2012-2013 season.
8. All players must submit a completed and signed waiver form before playing.
This includes any substitute and replacement players.
Extra forms will be made available for the team captains to keep on hand.

This page was last updated 3september, 2011.